jdbc:oracle:thin:[/]@//[:]/ jdbc:oracle:oci:[/]@//[:]/ For example, if you are running Metabase from a directory named /app/, you need to move the Jar from the Oracle JDBC driver to /app/plugins/: The description depends a bit on the type of driver. If the driver type is kprb, the description is empty. If the driver type is oci and you want to use an inheritance connection, it is empty. Otherwise (thin or OCI drivers and not legacy), the database description is one of the following: To our knowledge, no JDBC driver from a manufacturer implements or implements auto-close for exactly the above reason. This requirement has been removed from the specification, although some remnants of this wording appear in some places. It also appears in the JDBC tutorial. Although the tutorial is informative and useful, it is not definitive. It hasn`t been updated in years. The JDBC 4.0 specification requires absolutely no automatic shutdown. If for some reason your app is very sensitive to this change and you just need to have the 9i-10g behavior, there is a connection property that you can set.
Set mapDateToTimestamp to false and the driver will revert to the default behavior of 9i-10g and map to date. You can also use the OracleLog.properties properties file provided in the demo.zip file that is part of the Oracle JDBC driver installation. The comments in this file explain how to use it. It is much easier and highly recommended. You must use the Universal Connection Pool (UcP). This new connection caching mechanism is driver, log, and database independent. It supports non-JDBC connections and JDBC connections to non-Oracle databases. When using Oracle JDBC, it provides advanced Oracle functionality, including: jdbc:oracle::@java -Doracle.jdbc.PrintFields=none MyApp Valid values are as follows: Starting with version 9.2, OCI and lightweight drivers support ANO.
The best choice is to use the Oracle JDBC thin driver. All new enhancements and features are implemented only on the JDBC lightweight driver. The data is sent to the server in the format of the assumed data type and the server attempts to convert it to the type of the target parameter. If conversion is not possible, the server reports an error and the driver throws a SQLException at run time. In version 9.2, setString() can insert up to 64 KB of characters on a LONG with the OCI driver and 4 KB of characters with the thin driver. In version 10.1.0, we changed the limit for both drivers to 32,000 characters. We understand that reducing the limit for OCI from 64,000 to 32,000 can be a problem for some customers. However, given the significant performance improvement that this change has resulted in and the fact that Oracle strongly recommends that our customers migrate from LONG to CLOB, we decided that the architecture change was necessary. If you log in to the lightweight driver as SYSDBA or SYSOPER, the RDBMS must be configured to use a password file. See « Creating and Managing a Password File » section in the Oracle Database Administrator`s Guide. The JDBC endpoints getCursorName and setCursorName are not supported.
Instead, we provide access to ROWIDs that offer similar functionality. JDBC 4.0 defines java.sql.Rowid, which is fully compatible with oracle.sql.ROWID and is supported in JSE 6 drivers (ojdbc6.jar). There is an oracle.dms.console.DMSConsole system property. If this property is not set, DMS is active. If it is set to oracle.dms.instrument_stub. DMSConsole, then a stub implementation is used that effectively disables DMS. One way for an application to disable it is to download the Oracle JDBC driver that is compatible with the version of the JDK you are using. The latest versions of the JDBC driver are available on the download page. Make sure that the JDBC drivers are included in the classpath. See What are the different JAR files used for on the download page? to determine the files you need.
If you are using the OCI driver and only need query failover, consider TAF. TAF primarily makes it easy to failover requests into an application. This is not a general failover mechanism. Note that Fast Connection Failover and TAF cannot be used together. Only one can be activated and used at a time. The default SQL array type is anonymous, that is, the « foo array » type has no name. Only the item type is named. In Oracle SQL, the array type is named.
In fact, anonymous array types are not supported. Therefore, the default JDBC 4.0 factory method takes the element type as an argument and creates an instance of an anomyous array type. Oracle JDBC drivers define a proprietary Oracle method, createArray, which takes the name of an array type and returns an instance of that named array type. This is necessary because of the way Oracle SQL is defined. Currently, the Oracle database cannot support the createArrayOf JDBC 4.0 method by default. By default, trace output is sent to System.out. You can send it to another location, either with the oracle.jdbc.LogFile property oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleLog.stopLogging(); You can also enable tracing by setting the oracle.jdbc.Trace system property to true. java -Doracle.jdbc.Trace=true MyApp If you set any of the other JDBC Trace Facility properties described below, oracle.jdbc.Trace is implicitly set to true. For more information, see the Driver Interoperability Matrix JDBC table for supported Oracle database versions. It is recommended that the JDBC driver version always be the same or higher than the Oracle database version in order to take advantage of the latest driver features. oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleLog.startLogging(); This sends the trace to System.out.
To disable call Starting with version 10.1.0, Oracle Trace Facility is only supported in classes12_g.jar and classes12dms_g.jar. All Oracle JDBC drivers that support JDK 1.4 and later use the trace feature built into java.util.logging. See java.util.logging for more information about retrieving tracking information when using JDBC 11 or ojdbc14_g.jar or ojdbc14dms_g.jar. JDBC technology allows you to use the Java programming language to take advantage of Write Once, Run Anywhere features for applications that require access to enterprise data. With a JDBC-enabled driver, you can connect all enterprise data, even in a heterogeneous environment. According to Oracle`s license agreement, distributors must be Oracle partners. Depending on your business goals, it may or may not make sense to become an Oracle partner. If it is not possible for your organization to partner with Oracle, you should consider alternatives to the Oracle Thin JDBC driver.
Of course, licensing requirements like these are not unique to Oracle. For example, SAP HANA has a requirement similar to that of most database vendors. There are several ways to resolve this issue in drivers 9.2 through 10.2: See the following table for supported versions of JDBC drivers. Please note that the information in this table includes the summary for your convenience, we recommend that you read page #4 on the Lifetime Support Policy for more details and for any updates. The OCI JDBC driver supports the same algorithms as the database server. This OCI JDBC driver is available for installation with the OCI Instant Client feature, which does not require a full installation of the Oracle client. For more information, see Oracle Call Interface. Make sure that the driver is registered and that you are using a connection URL that is consistent with your JDBC driver. With Oracle`s JDBC driver, you can find the right values. .