Municipal Collective Agreement

Approximately 30,000 employees in the state of Maryland have collective bargaining rights. This means that organizations certified as exclusive negotiators are authorized to negotiate wages, hours of work and working conditions with the Governor or persons appointed by the Governor on behalf of employees in the bargaining unit. AFT Letter of Intent Amendment (Fiscal Year 2020)Office: 410-764-3030. I.A.F.F.BWI FF Side LetterOffice: 410-859-7500 AFSCME Maryland – American Federation of State, County and Municipal EmployeesOffice: 410-547-1515 The State Law Enforcement Officer`s Labor Alliance(Annap.) 410-897-0048(Balto.) 410-269-0640 G – Engineering, Scientific and Administrative Professionals MD Transportation Authority Police #34MdTA FOP Side Letter Current exclusive tariff agents and their respective respective bargaining units are listed below. Exclusive negotiator and negotiated letters of intent The letter code is preceded by a « Y » if the employee is involved in the negotiation and an « N » if the employee is excluded from the negotiations. Examples of position bargaining unit status: Ya employee is included in bargaining unit A Nazi employee is excluded from negotiations due to supervisory duties assigned to the position. Excluded – Used by agency(s) excluded by an order in council MPEC – Maryland Professional Employees CouncilModification of the PDEM (fiscal year 2021)Modification of the MPEC to the memorandum of understanding (fiscal year 2020)MPEC cover letter – Annual salary reviews. . . .