The Belfast Agreement is also known as the Good Friday Agreement because it was concluded on Good Friday, 10 April 1998. It was an agreement between the British and Irish governments and most of Northern Ireland`s political parties on how Northern Ireland should be governed. The talks that led to the agreement focused on issues that had led to conflicts in recent decades. The aim was to create a new decentralised government for Northern Ireland, in which unionists and nationalists would share power. Oh, you`re so transparent Joseph, it`s a farce! Attack is the best form of defense, isn`t it? Oh, that`s right, and also add the « White Flag Man » platitude, just for good measure, hmm! Repetition is indeed a form of brainwashing, and of course, people are not aware of the fact that it is being done to them. And the establishment propaganda machine – i.e. the MSM companies – used it with good effect for the « Salisbury poisonings » to convince most (but not all) British citizens that this was the harm that Mr Putin and the Ruskies did. That`s why they left him standing for three weeks before discovering the Novichok on the front door (even though they had abducted Skripal`s pets the day after his alleged poisoning!), so that the MSM could endlessly speculate on how the poisoning was carried out and keep the audience emotional so they wouldn`t start questioning the narrative with a little critical thinking. for example, why did Putin carry out an assassination attempt just three months before the start of the World Cup, which Russia hosted for the first time? She accused the Conservative government of neglecting Northern Ireland, citing as an example the threat by ministers to tear up the Northern Ireland Protocol, the section of the Brexit deal that governs trade between Northern Ireland, the Republic and the UK. Anthony Breach does not recognise Jeremy Corbyn`s strong influence on people, which is due to his simplicity and sincerity, which pleases all those who care about the diabolical injustice and inequality in our society. When Cameron increased arms sales to South Africa despite UN sanctions, Corbyn was arrested for protesting against apartheid. He was criticized for being a rebel and constantly voting against his party`s policies, but he was fully justified. Tony Blair was elected after visiting Rupert Murdoch in Australia, fulfilling his wishes and watering down Labor Party policies accordingly.
Corbyn also voted against the invasion of Iraq and the bombing of Syria, although he was ridiculed as a pacifist, but he has the courage to maintain his beliefs in stark contrast to Labour MPs who abstained from voting against tax credit cuts. All these facts militate against the argument that he did not play a decisive role in the realization of the Good Friday Agreement. He does not keep a low profile – as Theresa May did during the referendum debate in view of her prospect of becoming prime minister – but engages regardless of the abuses he faces and the risks to his reputation. Having always been an inexperienced backbencher as a minister, he has clearly made mistakes, but in ten months he has accomplished more for the victims of this government than his opponents have ever done, including convincing Conservative MPs to reverse their votes for tax cuts. No one can deny his courage, integrity and compassion, which are qualities far more important than those of Tony Blair, David Cameron and Theresa May, but as a peacemaker, we would like to remember him when we see amputee Syrian children created as a result of our former prime minister`s noble « defense » of our kingdom. At the time, there were a few decent MPs on the Conservative side, but a number of good Labour. Tony Benn was an exceptional figure, but everyone`s choice was Jeremy Corbyn. Thanks to his efforts to agree on the details of the repatriation [of the prisoners to their own country of origin], I was released prematurely and was able to open a new chapter. I am now an old man and I still run my own small business.
I have grandchildren and great-grandchildren. In response to Bill h`s previous comment, JC voted against the Anglo-Irish agreement because it did not involve the paramilitaries at the time and the treaty was rejected not only by Sinn Fein, but also by many unionists. As a result, it has not been able to stop paramilitary violence in the province. He believed at the time that the agreement strengthened rather than weakened the border between the six and 26 counties. Hence its rejection. What people don`t understand is that Jeremy Corbyn WAS part of the peace process when he started working, the Conservatives who didn`t want a Labour MP to take responsibility for the peace process, and then, after saying they had no talks with the terrorists, Corbyn cracked down and said he was getting tough on their talks and not helping, then took over with the recognition of the peace process. Please, let`s get it right and stop slandering the name of a good man! Interestingly, even Corbyn`s supporters in this body make no attempt to justify his vote, along with Enoch Powell and Ian Paisley, against the 1986 Anglo-Irish agreement. Unfortunately, his adherence to the dogma of a « united Ireland » outweighed his commitment to peace in Ireland. The peace to which the AEOI has led may be far from ideal, but, my God, it is an improvement over the violence of the past. « There is no good Brexit.
The Withdrawal Agreement and the backstop. provide the minimum guarantees needed to protect our economy and rights and avoid a hard border, » she added. In both his testimony and his testimony, Michael Gallagher confirms not only that Corbyn did exactly what his politically motivated prosecutors claim, that he did not, but also that Corbyn acted as an envoy to enable the British Labour government to achieve its main objective of working out the details of the exchange and release of prisoners. which ultimately underpinned the entire historic peace agreement. Labour will hold four webinars to teach members about the history of the Good Friday Agreement and its legacy. .