You are a night worker if you regularly work at least three hours a night. The night for work purposes is between 23:00 and .m and 6:00.m., unless you and your employer have agreed otherwise. If you sign an opt-out, you have the right to terminate this Agreement at any time with one week to three months` notice. You can agree on this notice period with your employer if you sign the opt-out. You can also cancel an opt-out if it is part of a contract you have signed. If you are forced to work more than 48 hours a week, your employer may be violating the terms of your contract. You can resign and ask for a constructive dismissal before an employment court. You cannot count the training courses you have chosen in your free time as working time, even if it is related to your work, the e.B. Evening classes. The lives of workers who work more than five working days in a work week must work overtime equal to one and a half times the employee`s standard rate of pay for hours worked up to nine hours including the sixth (6th) and seventh (7th) working days and twice the employee`s standard rate of pay for all hours worked that worked more than nine hours on the sixth ( 6th) and seventh (7th) working days, be paid. To get this average, add up your hours over 17 weeks and divide them by 102 days. This imagines that each week has 6 days instead of 7 because you have a legal right to 1 day a week where you do no work.
Step 2: Add up the number of days you could have worked, minus the rest days You may need to calculate the number of hours you work if: 6.4 The total number of hours worked over a 7-day period cannot exceed 60 hours unless this is included in clause 6.5 below. * International standards recommend the gradual reduction of normal working time, if any, to 40 hours per week, without reducing workers` wages, if hours are reduced They should not count unpaid overtime you work without being asked, for example. B by being late to finish something or the work you brought home. If your employer says you need to stay very close to your workplace, for example, a 5-minute drive away, it could be hours of work. Your employer can`t let you work more than 48 hours a week on average. It doesn`t matter what`s in your contract or if you don`t have a written contract. The upper limit of 60 hours per week set in the EIT Basic Code for all hours worked during a week will in some cases be stricter than national legislation (e.B national legislation cannot set maximum limits on weekly working time). In these cases, the 60-hour limit should apply. It should be noted that this limit includes all overtime that must be voluntary and used in accordance with the Basic Code. Samantha worked 40 hours per week, plus 12 hours of overtime per week for the first 10 weeks of the 17-week reference period.
She didn`t let herself go. You should also skip all the lunch breaks you want to work on. Young workers generally cannot be forced to work more than eight hours a day or 40 hours a week. These hours cannot be averaged over a longer period of time. There are a few exceptions to these rules. Samantha`s average working time is less than the maximum of 48 hours. To calculate your working time if you have not taken leave, you must: Employees covered by the Working Time Ordinance must not be required to work more than 13 hours a day. Individuals should also not be required to work an average of more than 48 hours per week against their will.
Employees may agree in writing to work more than 48 hours per week on average and may withdraw their consent at any time. It depends on the circumstances. National law may contain specific provisions on collective agreements relating to working time or collective bargaining in general. These may be provisions laying down procedural rules for agreements providing for exceptions to the rules on working time (e.g. B Regulation 23 of the Working Time Regulations 1998, which regulates working time in the United Kingdom). Where available, they should be followed to determine this issue. In the absence of relevant legislation, this provision should be interpreted in the light of the fact that it is intended to ensure that agreements with organisations representing a small number of workers do not remove the protection of the entire workforce. It should not be used to undermine genuine collective agreements. If you work in the same place every day, you can`t count your normal commute time between home and work. If you live in your workplace, it is likely that your on-call time counts as working time. However, the law is not clear and often people have to go to the labour court to decide.
If you are under the age of 18, there are special rules about how many hours you can work. Check your rights at work if you are under 18 years of age. If you occasionally work at night, you would not be considered a night worker. If you don`t have a permanent workplace, for example if you take care of people within your four walls, you need to count the travel time between home and work as working time. Lol Seasonal work should not be considered an exceptional circumstance within the meaning of clause 6.5 of the EIT Basic Code. The reason for this is that the work, although irregular, is completely predictable and anticipated. Your employer cannot force you to terminate your withdrawal contract. To learn more about overtime and compensation, visit OSHA`s Extended Unusual Work Shifts page, where you can also learn about the health and safety risks associated with working long hours to minimize the risks to yourself or your employees. No overtime pay is required on the seventh (7th) consecutive working day of a work week if the total number of hours of employment during that work week does not exceed 30 and the total working time of a working day does not exceed six. . . .