Exceptionally, the parties or the law may postpone the transfer of ownership to a specified time after the conclusion of the contract. The plot for the house is described above in the « Identifying a plot » section. The responsibility of notaries is usually for the authentication of contracts for the sale and purchase of real estate. With other fees, you can contact any notary in Romania to complete the real estate transaction, regardless of the location of the property or the residence of the parties. Sub-badge PROMISNT SALESMAN 1 and PROMISNT SALESMAN 2, spouses, we declare that we acquired the goods described above by purchase during the marriage, therefore: intravilan areas of 500 (five) m.p., la_, single, on the basis of the purchase contract certified under nr._ by the office of the notary Public_ based in the municipality of Bucharest. In return, it acquired the land by purchase in accordance with the purchase agreement certified under nr._ B.N.P._ la_, which it nr._ acquired as its own property by hereditary la_ in accordance with the certificate of heir issued in the nr._ B.N.P._. _dobândise by the restoration of the land in accordance with Law No. 18/1991 of the Basic Fund, on the basis of the title deed nr._din date de_ issued by the Commission of the District Office for the Determination of Land Ownership of Ilfov County and by dismantling in accordance with the Law on Dismemberment Certified under nr._ B.N.P._ and Intraviluna Area of 31 (thirty) m2, by purchasing la_ on the basis of the purchase contract certified according to nr._ by the notary`s office Public_ with its registered office in the municipality of Ciorogârla in Ilfov County. The intravilan area of 31 m2, which is the subject of this promise, was acquired de_ by the drainage of the plot of 1000 m2, marked with a cadastral_ number and nr._ the land register of the municipality of Ciorogârla (No.
CF vechi_), in accordance with the deed of dismemberment certified according to nr._ B.N.P._, which was broken down from land into an area of 1500 m2, marked under cadastral_ number in accordance with the act of fragmentation certified under nr._ B.N.P._. The plot of 1500 m2 was nr._ restoring the property de_ in accordance with the title deed issued by C.J.S.D.P.T. County Ilfov in accordance with Law No. 18/1991 of the Basic Fund, Law No. 169/1997 and Law No. 1/2000, as well as the minutes of the nr._ of possession and the Nr._, both released from the town hall of the municipality of Ciorogârla. Example: « Land located within the commune […], village […], county […], total area of […] mp, land construction and arable agriculture, arranged as follows: area of […] mp, building land and area of […] m2 of arable land with cadastral number 1150 with neighbours: at N =[…], E =[…], S =[…], V = […], according to the adjacent cadastral documents of […] and registered. C under heading no ». which forms an integral part of this Agreement and is confirmed by us parties. After the conclusion of the purchase contract, the property of the new owner must be incorporated into the land register. Common legal character for other translation rights contracts The description of the goods covered by the purchase and sale contract is based on specific identification characteristics, depending on the nature of the goods concerned (land, apartment, house, etc.). (2) If the buyer declares the termination of the contract, the property is transferred to the seller subject to the reimbursement of the sale price and other costs incurred by the buyer with this contract.
(1) The buyer has the right to terminate this legal contract without delay and without further formalities if any of the representations and guarantees referred to in Article 4 or other points of this contract prove or become false, inaccurate or incomplete. In the new Romanian Civil Code, the purchase contract is defined and regulated by Articles 1650 to 1762. 3. This Treaty shall be signed in five (five) copies. All copies, with the exception of the notary public`s archives, are submitted to the land register for deposit of ownership. After the registered mail, all copies are returned to the parties with the indication of the registration in the land register, i.e. one copy to the seller and 3 (three) copies to the buyer. From a legal point of view, the purchase contract is consensual, sinalagmatic, cumbersome, modifiable, translatable and constitutes the general law for other contracts to which the rights are transferred. (b) the description of the immovable property referred to in Article 1 and the entries in the land register are correct and complete; The penalty for non-compliance with the requirements of enforceability of the natural person is the relative nullity of the contract (Article 44 of the new Civil Code) The category of use is a characteristic of the zones, defined by their concrete and individualized use by a code. Depending on the category of use, the land can be divided into: The sale is an exchange agreement, because at the time of its conclusion, the existence of the rights and obligations of the parties is certain and their scope is determined or determinable (Article 1173, paragraph 1, of the new Civil Code) With regard to their civil rights and freedoms, including the possibility of acquiring land in Romania, both foreigners and stateless persons as well as foreign legal persons are assimilated by law with Romanian nationals or Romanian lawyers (Article 27 of the new Civil Code). (2) The total area of the land is […] ha, which represents […] mp and represents arable land/building land located within the city centre of the region.
[…] in accordance with planning certificate No [.. ] from the date […], which is annexed to Annex 3. The pre-contract fee in our notary office is 238 € for an advance of less than 4100 euros. For more progress, use this calculator. We, the Contracting Parties, agree on the manner in which the price is to be paid as follows: – amount of EUR de_ (quality value), a_ (quality value) calculated at today`s BNR rate,_ of EUR 1 = _lei, we, the sellers promise, received from PROMITENT CUMPĂRĂTOR 1 and PROMITENT CUMPĂRĂTOR 2, like Arvun, in cash, today, date of authentication of these registered, this declaration of the signatories, which constitute an exempt receipt for the recovery of this amount, f) there are no legal public obligations with regard to the immovable property, in particular tax obligations or other obligations or obligations, as indicated in tax certificate No. 1/2005. […] from […] (Annex 4) issued for this purpose by the Directorate of Taxes and Local Taxes of the Town Hall of Mun. […]; All costs of authentication of this contract, as well as the costs of registration in the land register of the buyer as the new owner, will be borne by […]. Minors between the ages of 14 and 18 may conclude a purchase contract in person, but with the prior consent of the parents or, where applicable, the guardian and with the approval of the Guardians` Court (Article 41(2) of the new Civil Code).
We, the contracting parties, have agreed that the fixed and irrevocable selling price should be de_ EUR (quality value). (a) agricultural land comprising five categories of use: (a) own the land unhindered and exclusively, has not sold it to other persons before the conclusion of this contract of sale and will not conclude any land legislation after it has been signed; -intravilan zone of 31 M.p.-lot 3 in the municipality of Ciorogârla, str._ nr._, Ilfov county, land 5/1, plot 8/1, with the following dimensions and neighboring countries: north – lot 1 with the number cadastral_ on one side of 7.93 ml and lot 2 with a cadastral_ number on one side of 25.05 ml, east – number cadastral_ on one side of 0.97 ml, to the south – number cadastral_ on one side of 32.91 ml, to the west – lot 4 with a Cadastral_ on one side of 0.96 ml, with cadastral_ number, in the land registry nr._ the municipality of Ciorogârla, county of Ilfov, with completion of the nr._ of O.C.P.I. Ilfov-B.C.P.I. Buftea. The Seller declares under its own responsibility and guarantees at the time of certification of this Contract that: If the Promising Sellers do not fulfill their promise to conclude the Purchase Contract, the Undersigned PROMITENT CUMPĂRĂTORI 1 and PROMISNT CUMPĂRĂTORI 2 as the Promise of the Buyer will have the right that after the expiry of the period fixed by the authentication certificate, apply for the registration of a legal hypothec on the property in our favor. for the reimbursement of the amount paid under this bilateral promise to purchase in accordance with the specifications. . . .