The Roaming Management Information System (HMIS) is a centralized data management system used by organizations in the City of Calgary, Alberta. Below is a list of information that is exported quarterly by the leading hifis organization to cesd via HIFIS. Export fields provide the Canadian government with the data needed to support policy, analysis, research and evaluation. The National Homelessness Information System (NSSS) is a federal data monitoring initiative. The Homeless Individuals and Families Information System (HIFIS) is the data management system associated with this initiative. HIFIS enables communities to collect and track information about who accesses resources in the homeless sector. Data collected with hiFIS is shared with the Homelessness Partnership Strategy (HPS). This data sharing relationship is coordinated by a Data Provision Agreement (DPA) that all hi-fi users sign. When individual organizations export their data to the SPH, they are included in the NHIS. Service provider organizations that use other data management software also export their data to NHIS.
The data collected by NHIS is used to inform research and make federal policy decisions. A centralized data management system supports ongoing monitoring of client outcomes and facilitates the development and application of common performance standards among service providers. It also clarifies the number of people affected by homelessness and the interaction with the homelessness system, and helps researchers, service providers and decision-makers understand the various factors that influence the impact of homelessness in certain communities. The parties agree that in the event of any ambiguity or inconsistency between the terms of this Agreement and those of subsequent agreements, the provisions of this Agreement shall prevail. The parties agree to indemnify and hold harmless ESDC, its employees and agents from and against any and all claims, damages, claims, costs or expenses, losses, acts or causes of action incurred or suffered by the parties as a result of the use of or inability to use HIFIS or the failure to protect the data contained in HIFIS. HiFIS is an important component of the Homelessness Strategy for Canada (« Reaching home ») and is designed to support the implementation of coordinated access within communities by providing participating service providers in the same community with access to real-time homelessness data, while referring individuals and families who use homeless services (« clients ») to the right services at the right time. ESVK, its employees and vicarious agents shall not be liable for any claims, damages, injuries and losses of any kind, whether direct or indirect, consequential or incidental arising out of the use of or inability to use HIFIS or the non-protection of the data contained in HIFIS. This includes, but is not limited to, loss of revenue, profits or savings, lost, damaged or stolen data, or other business or economic losses.
Developed by Employment and Social Development Canada (« CESD ») and in collaboration with communities, the Homelessness and Families Information System (« SIIM ») is a comprehensive data collection and case management system that supports the day-to-day operations of Canadian homeless service providers (« service providers »). This Agreement, its Appendices and the End User License Agreement entered into by the parties when using HIFIS constitute the entire agreement on the use of HIFIS and supersede any prior communications or representations regarding HIFIS. Reason for diversion* Date of diversion* Anonymous sex* Anonymous age category* Anonymous Indigenous indicator (assumed) Anonymous disability indicator (observed) Organizations responsible for the installation, configuration and maintenance of HIFIS (« hifi lead organizations ») will receive a license upon signature of the data supply agreement (« Agreement »), and this license will be granted to participating service providers in exchange for the Quarterly Export of personally identifiable data not directly performed (Appendix A) collected from customers and, where applicable, anonymized fields from spot counts (Appendix B). The parties` employees, their representatives, consultants and any person authorized by the leading HIFIS organization to use HIFIS are « authorized users ». HIFIS` lead organizations, service providers and third party organizations (« Parties ») must ensure that they have the authority to collect, use and disclose customer information in accordance with municipal, provincial and territorial laws. The ESDC and the HIFIS Lead Organisation agree to appoint an official to act as contact person for all matters related to the installation, implementation and management of this Agreement. The following is a list of the information contained in the PiT Count exported to cesd via HIFIS. Fields in which no information is provided remain empty. DESDA regulates how the CESD manages laws and regulations when implementing government-wide regulatory initiatives. According to DESDA, ESDC has the authority to collect personal data when managing programs or services. Information exported by HIFIS may be used for policy, analysis, research and evaluation purposes, and such information may be shared with other federal agencies in accordance with DESDA and the Data Protection Act. Homelessness has sometimes been experienced in the past year Reasons for non-access to shelter Citizenship status Reasons for migration Aboriginal community of origin Duration between child welfare and homelessness Support for child welfare service Level of education Ethnocultural identity Interactions with the system Desire for permanent housing Challenges Preferred language needs In terms of services The lead agency of HIFIS, with the exception of Service Providers and their Third Party Organizations, may: Either party may terminate this Agreement for any reason, including failure to comply with the terms or conditions of this Agreement with 60 days` written notice.
The Data Protection Act applies to the collection, use, disclosure, retention and disposal of personal data by the federal government and defines personal data as information about an identifiable individual recorded in one form or another. Under the Data Protection Act, federal organizations can only collect an individual`s personal information if it is directly related to the operation of one of their programs or activities. The ESDC grants parties a non-exclusive, non-transferable and non-transferable right to use a registered copy of the FIHI in exchange for the SIHI export fields (Annex A) and, where applicable, the anonymised fields of the point accounts (Annex B). To have access to HIFIS, the HIFIS responsible organization must register the license with the ESDC. . Unique Client ID* Gender* Year and month of birth* Family role* Head of household ID* Citizenship/immigration status* Aboriginal indicator* Veteran status* Life events Contributing factors Contributing factor Contributing factor Contributing factor End factor Employment status Country of origin Sources of income Income Start date End date of income End of life date Housing housing condition Start date Date of residence End date End Date This Agreement is as follows: in this Agreement to describe terms relating to the following: The Parties agree to HIFIS « as is ». . . .